I'm Nova Rizkiyah

Name: Nova lailatul Rizkiyah

Profile: Cloud Engineer

Hobby: Cycling, Reading

Favorite Book: Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!

About me

Hi everyone, I'm Nova! I have a bachelor and master's degree in physics from Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), Indonesia. But, life chooses me to explore new things like Cloud Computing, Linux, Information Technology. I'm AWS Community Builder -Year Two- and AWS Solutions Architect – Associate Certified. I'm a housewife, mother, and Cloud Engineer in Japan tech consultant (part-time and working remotely).


My personal and technical blog


My Journey To Get AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner

I would like to share my experience as Digital Talent Scholarship(DTS) Awardee from Ministry Communication and Information Indonesia.


Step by Step AWS Solution Architect-Associate Preparation

Hello everyone, my Name is Nova and I’m AWS Certified Solution Architect-Associates(SAA). How my whole story to preparation AWS SAA C-03 exam?


See more tutorials about Linux

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